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Empowerment Quiz______________________________                  

Take the quiz below to see if you are on track to your goals!

Hello to all our friends!

Just a quick, exciting announcement…..Christopher Howard is going to be presenting his Breakthrough To Success-Wealth and Power Weekend seminars for the year 2007 in the following locations:

Breakthrough To Success-Wealth and Power Weekend
Los Angeles, CA January 19-21, 2007
San Jose, CA January 26-28, 2007

If you would like to join us, or know others who could benefit from these life-changing Techniques please let us know!

You may re-use the above link for as many friends as you like!

Take our quiz to find out how YOU are doing on your journey to your dreams!

Here are 10 questions to find out if you are on track,
on passion and on purpose in life!

1. Do you wake up in the morning excited about the day?

2. Is it easy for you to make decisions about life because you’re so clear about what you want?

3. Do you tend to bring to you seemingly “fortunate coincidences or opportunities”?

4. When you look at yourself do you notice a glow on your face or a sparkle in your eye?

5. Do you find that little things or even big dramas do not distract you for long?

6. Do you feel a sense of natural motivation to just do what you need to get done?

7. Do you find that you are attracting the right people to you to help with the accomplishment of your vision?

8. Do you feel a sense of gratitude and a propulsion to fulfill your destiny?

9. Do you find that you are hitting your 3 month, 6 month and 1 year goals fairly accurately?

10. When you are working, do you lose track of time and feel you could go on forever?

If you answered “NO” to any of these questions, here are a few tips to get you back on track!


1. POWER OF IMAGINATION: Imagine that ANYTHING is possible, and take some time to write down exactly what would be the perfect life for you.

2. VISUALIZATION: Write down your IDEAL DAY. Use as many sensory details as possible.

3. SKILLS: Make a list of all your skills, talents, gifts, attributes, etc. then look for ways to bring those things to the market place to create value for others, which will create income for yourself!

4. EVIDENCE: Find your “evidence procedure” for one of your goals which is the end step—you can find this by asking yourself “what is the last thing that has to happen for me to KNOW that I got my outcome”?—then write down what you will be thinking, believing and DOING when you achieve that goal!

5. BOUNDARIES: Set boundaries for yourself and others to insure that you will stay on track towards your goals. (Boundaries are your own little rule book as to what you will and will not accept in your life) Then stick to them as a gift to yourself! Remember, every time you honor your own values, you BUILD YOUR OWN SELF ESTEEM AND SELF RESPECT!! (Not to mention others will have respect for you too.)

6. FUTURE PACE: Write down your 5 year, 1 year, 6 months and 3 month goals. Get clear on what ACTION STEPS you would need to take EACH DAY to ensure that you would hit these goals and deadlines.

7. MENTOR: Find a great mentor. Find someone who has done what you want to do and study everything you can about them! What do they think? What do they believe? How do they problem solve? What skills and talents do they have? What actions do they take? Then adopt all their habits yourself. If you don’t actually
KNOW the person or they are a celebrity of some kind, read everything you can on them, watch videos on them and learn the things they know.

8. GRADITUE: Make a list of all those things you are grateful for. Write “I am so grateful for…” then include anything and everything that you appreciate—from the blue sky to the fact that you found a great parking spot that day. You will be amazed at how much you already have! Then you are no longer focused on what you don’t want or what you don’t have. Instead you proceed with your dreams in the state of “the wish fulfilled!”

9. CONSTANT STUDENT: Be a student of personal development. Be willing to continue to learn, grow and evolve into who and what you want to be. Never give up. One of the presuppositions of Chris’ trainings are having flexibility of behavior. That really means that if you try something and it doesn’t work…what do you do? Try again…if that doesn’t work …TRY AGAIN until you get your outcome! Remember, there is no failure, only feedback. If you keep at anything long enough

10. SHARE: Share what you know with others who are starting on the path by being an example. You don’t realize how much you know until you start to teach it! Being a role model to others enforces excellence in your own behaviors and thinking and holds you to your own high standards.

Signup now for:
Breakthrough To Success-Wealth and Power Weekend

Los Angeles, CA January 19-21, 2007
San Jose, CA January 26-28, 2007


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