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When we are born, our bodies are approximately 90-95% water. As we age, however, our bodies may dehydrate to levels lower than 50%, where most bodily functions are severely compromised.

Most people today are dehydrated because they do not drink enough water. Many believe that drinking a lot of fluids (soda, coffee, beer, etc) is the same as drinking water. The reality is that water is processed by your body differently than any other liquid. Only 45 seconds after drinking water, the water leaves the stomach and begins on a path through the brain, central nervous system, vital organs, and finally into the blood. As water enters the blood, the blood thins and increases in volume – thus lowering blood pressure. A recent study at Loma Linda University concluded that adults who drink at least 5 glasses of water per day can cut their risk of heart attack by as much as 50%.

See Dr. Emoto in Los Angeles, October 2006

Hydration and Physical Fitness

It's no secret that an athlete will perform better when he, or she is well hydrated. This is mainly because muscle contractions are initiated by electrical impulses that are carried through water. Therefore, well-hydrated muscles can achieve more intense contractions over longer periods of time.

In the long term, the importance of deep cellular hydration cannot be emphasized enough. To optimize your physical performance, you must keep your body functioning efficiently at all times. To do this, your body must maintain high levels of deep cellular hydration so that the delivery of nutrients and oxygen, the removal of toxins and wastes (lactic acid), the functioning of metabolic enzymes, and the electrical properties of the cells and cell systems are optimized. This will improve your body's ability to repair itself, reduce your recovery times, and allow your body to CONSISTENTLY perform at higher levels.

For our cells to be healthy, we should maintain intracellular water levels (inside your cells) of 60-65%. However, when a person is severely dehydrated, intracellular water levels may drop lower than 40%. If this happens, our cells degenerate at a very fast rate. It is also important to note that fat cells cannot contain as much water as muscle cells, therefore people with more muscle mass tend to maintain higher intracellular water levels.

A 2% loss of cellular water may result in an energy loss of up to 20%

Clustered Water™ has been found to be a specific form of water instrumental in key cellular functions. Research has shown that the lack of this specific form of water is responsible for cellular aging and cellular problems.

For information on M-Powered Water™.


Natural Clear S - Whole House Water Purification & Softening System
from Natural Air Products
Retailing for only $999.95



Articles on Water Quality

Cancer & Chlorine
Is the chlorine in our drinking water acting as catalyst triggering tumor development both in atherosclerosis and cancer?

Water vs Coke
This is really an eye opener.... Water or Coke? I've seen the info on Coke before but not on the water. We all know that water is important but Have you ever seen this information?

Water Pipes & Lung Damage
Scientists say bacteria in water pipes can damage lungs

Widespread Water Violations Decried
Nearly one-third of major industrial facilities and government-operated sewage treatment plants have significantly violated pollution discharge regulations during the past two years, but relatively few are being prosecuted.

Other Resources

USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program
Visit this government site to track investigations regarding emerging water quality issues

Information About Your Local Drinking Water
Visit this EPA site for reports and test on the quality of the drinking water in your area. 


One of the 7 Essentials of survival is WATER.
n aturally works as the conductor of detoxification & hydration.

Hydrotherapy is a proven ancient wisdom and of profound therapeutic value.

In our time, this important healing art is almost forgotten yet by acknowledging its amazing healing power, we can revive this healing art and create the wholeness, safely and effectively at home.


Dr. Daniel Chong, ND
A licensed naturopathic physician.

Brief History

Million years ago
Hydrotherapy, in one form or another, has been around for at least as long as animals have roamed the earth.

There have been numerous accounts of sick or injured animals observed in the wild,
soaking themselves or their injured parts in a cool stream everyday until they were well again.

Thousand years ago
in the Eastern Culture, Hydrotherapy is practiced since the beginning of recorded history

17th C
In the West, one of the early textbooks on hydrotherapy was written in 1697 by the English physician John Floyer.

Since then, there have been numerous physicians and others who have become famous
using various types of hydrotherapy treatments to cure people of countless illnesses.

Many people have heard of John Harvey Kellog, who ran the famous Battle Creek Sanitorium in Michigan, and used many different hydrotherapy treatments, as well as massage, and diet to help cure hundreds of previously "incurable" cases.

20th C
By the early 1900s, hydrotherapy was a common treatment employed by naturopathic physicians.

Benedict Lust, Henry Lindlahr, and O.G. Carroll are three of the most famous naturopathic physicians who have ever lived. They combined hydrotherapy with other treatments such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, and diet therapy to help heal literally thousands of people whose conditions were originally considered incurable. Hydrotherapy was the center-point of their practices and many of the treatments that they used are still being used today.

21th C
In our time, hydrotherapy has experienced a slow but steady decline in popularity
as a common treatment in naturopathic offices,


There's no money to be made. Most doctors do not have the proper training and experience, as school curriculums no longer focus on hydrotherapy. they choose not to use these 'low tech ' treatments, because they can be 'time consuming', and not very 'profit-effective'.

There are still a few physician out there who continue to carry on with these wonderful treatments.
They are aware of the power of hydrotherapy, and will continue using it well into the future,
regardless of what new supplements or other "miracle treatments" come along.

The Theory and Practice of Hydrotherapy

Naturopathic hydrotherapy differs slightly from the standard hydrotherapy commonly used by medical doctors and physical therapists.

In general, M.D.s and physical therapists simply recognize the mechanical effects of hot and cold applied to the body, e.g., that hot will relax muscles, and cold will decrease inflammation.

The naturopathic hydrotherapist also believes that hydrotherapy can affect the quality of blood in circulation. This is done primarily through treatments that tonify the digestive and detoxification organs
(liver, kidney, lungs and intestinal tract) and thereby improve the nutrition received by the blood
as well as help to cleanse the blood of endogenous and exogenous toxins.

This effect is accomplished by using an alternating application of hot and cold water to specific areas of the body. By switching back and forth between hot and cold, blood flow will be increased to that spot and the organs underlying that area. As blood as the conveyer of life. Hydrotherapy works because it optimizes the quality of blood while improving the efficiency of its circulation.

A hydrotherapist will sometimes prescribe a hydrotherapy treatment specific for the patient’s condition,
and that patient will perform this treatment on themselves at home. Some have the capacity to perform hydrotherapy treatments in their office, but such a situation is quite rare these days.

Mineral Sea Salt Clay bath
A full body bath or foot bath


  1. Clean the tub with baking soda & rinse off
  2. Fill the tub with warm good filtered water
  3. Add 1/2 large bottle of apple cider vinegar
  4. 1 - 2 lb of Sea Salt or DeadSea Salt
    quantity depends on level of toxicity on physical & emotion body
  5. Herb sponge (fresh or dry, if any, such as lavender flower, calendula flowers, red clover, lemon name a few)
  6. Mix a bowl of clay mask *
    ( to detox, to massage & to exfoliate the face & body while soaking in the bath tub.) The clay will then be effectively dissolved into the bath water as minerals to further nourish the skin & internal.
  7. Enjoy the warm magic for at least 15 mins, 1/2 hour soaking is optimal
  8. Always tune in & honor your body

* Clay mask
There is an abundance of different clays out there in the market. You can use the inexpensive Indian clay / Bentonite [ purchase from health stores ] or use the super clays which are rarer, therefore more expensive & not easily available.

For example, one super clay is called PyroClay this is exceptional super charged earth matter to detox, nourish & regenerate.
the magic power comes from the million years old mineral earth...

P y r o C l a y

100% & Pure & natural Pyrophyllite Clay uncontaminated mineral rich magma formed million years ago during the Ice Age hydrothermal earth action.


Abundance of silica 60%. Silica is the prime mineral which makes collagen.
Bones , joints & teeth are made by adding mineral crystals to collagen.

Collagen in turn makes structural protein, forming molecular cables that strengthen & regenerate tendons, bone, muscles, ligaments & tissues which in turn support the skin and internal organs.

Collagen also provides protective coating for our brain and nerve structure.

The crystalline lattice structure allows the pyroClay which consists of over 65 minerals, trace minerals & rare earths to store the extraordinary electro-magnetic energy to effectively heal the human body
therefore exceptional power: to draw toxins out, to restore balance & to regenerate.

Niki Ng
100% committed to create greater consciousness, peace & abundance


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