
Valuable Web Sites to Share! The following complementary information coming from various sources is provided for your convenience, inspiration and education. Some of it may appeal to you, some may not, keep an open mind. There are interesting viewpoints in them all. I do not necessarily represent an endorsement of all that is featured in each of those web pages.
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Maca Live "The Youth Root" S.Sellman author of "Hormone Heresy"recommends Maca for natural hormonal balance, as do many doctors.
http://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml Great tool for writers.
http://www.partofthechange.com Download the free booklet, which outlines Ten Steps to Becoming a Spiritual Helper.
www.agapelive.com Agape (Unconditional Love) is a spiritual community of God with outreach programs that care for the Agape community, the community of the city, country, and the world. The Agape International Spiritual Center, Home of the Agape Church of Religious Science, has over 4,000 active members and over 12,000 friends throughout the world. It also supports over 20 ministries and projects that are dedicated to the realization of the Presence of God, Peace, and Love on this planet. Check back their calendar often for amazing events and speakers.
www.theawareshow.com The Aware Show comes highly recommended for anyone seeking knowledge on self-empowerment, health and spirituality. Lisa Garr hosts Wed. & Thursday's 1pm to 2pm-PST - 90.7FM
Chris Howard Christopher Howard is an internationally acclaimed expert in Neuro-Linquistic Programming (NLP) and the founder of Creation Technologies. He has assisted thousands of people around the world to unleash their potential and live their dreams. He is the best, and most generous. Worth a look.
www.actsofkindness.org The Random Act of Kindness Foundation 800.660.2811
www.TheRiseoftheGoldenAge.com Natalie Kawai has the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance, she is highly recommended for energy work.
www.markvictorhansen.com If you aren't living the life of your dreams. NOW is the time to begin! And I can show you how...
www.healthguardians.com Nutripathic Nutrition - Candida Control in 7 Days Dr. Sal D'Onofrio, DN, DD shares tips on controlling Candida.
The Drug Watch Controversial Drug List - For greater depth on drugs listed here or for information on drugs not listed, if you have already exhausted the capabilities of the web, please contact us.
- International Academy of Clinical Thermology - Professional association for clinical thermography providing information, quality assurance, clinical guidelines, continuing education and certification testing for doctors practicing this procedure.
- American Preventive Medical Association - The political voice for health care practitioners who use nutritional and other complementary therapies in patient care.
- American Society for Reproductive Immunology - An organization dedicated to advancing the study of the immunological aspects of the reproductive process.
www.cancercontrolsociety.com Offers referrals to holistic health care centers, practitioners and modalities. National Medical Association - Professional society representing the interests of physicians of African descent and the patients they serve. -
- American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery - Dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications.
- Association of Air Medical Services - An international association which serves providers of air and surface medical transport systems.
- National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare - A nonprofit trade association serving the education, advocacy and networking needs of more than 800 community providers of mental health and addiction treatment services.
- British Association of Sports Rehabilitators and Trainers - Promotes the profession and scientific study of Sports Rehabilitation and Training and to facilitate communication of those actively involved in healthcare for the physically active.
- Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs - Represents state public health leaders and others working to improve the health of women of reproductive age, children and youth, including those with special health care needs, and their families.
- Society for Pediatric Pathology - A worldwide professional organization whose goal is to foster research, education, and practice as they pertain to pediatric pathology, and to provide a forum for discourse among its members.
- Lasting Connections - Organization dedicated to building support networks for families facing a serious medical crisis by providing them with financial assistance for communications.
- Society of Vascular Technology - The only professional organization completely dedicated to the advancement of noninvasive vascular technology in the diagnosis of vascular disease.
- European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology - ESMRMB aims to support educational activities and research.
- Thermophysiology International Resource Center - Surveys the entire field of Thermal Physiology and fosters all its activities (including those outside of the purely medical sphere) world-wide.
- Health Resources and Services Administration - Overview and programs, news room, grants and contracts, calendar of events and information center. Department of Health and Human Services, US Public Health Service.
- Infection Control Society - To educate public and health care workers about infection control principles and practices.
- Notre Dame Global Health Initiative (AID) - A directory of relevant links to helpful agencies and organizations.
- International Organization for Medical Physics - Organizes international cooperation in medical physics and allied subjects, and contributes to its advancement, especially in developing countries.
- Association of Medical Doctors - A humanitarian, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization that assists local non-governmental organizations to sustainable development projects, promote emergency preparedness and provide emergency relief assistance.
- National Association of Health Unit Coordinators (NAHUC) - NAHUC is dedicated to promoting Health Unit Coordinating as a profession through education and certification.
- International Foundation for Performing Arts Medicine - Non-profit organization dedicated to providing performing artists and support staff/crews of the arts injury prevention information.
- National Alliance of Medical Researchers & Teaching Physicians - A grassroots coalition of doctors, scientists and health care providers dedicated to advancing medicine through technology.
- Association of Medicine and Psychiatry - Founded by primary care physicians and psychiatrists interested in improving the health of patients with concurrent physical and psychiatric issues.
- American Medical Group Association - Trade association representing approximately 300 multi-specialty medical group members composed of approximately 67,000 physicians
- Association of Health Care Office Management - Specializing in networking and education for professionals in physician practice management.
- International Modular Medical and Education Delivery Systems (IMMEDS) - A nonprofit organization working to raise the level of healthcare and education in third world countries to 21st century standards, beginning with Zambia and Haiti.
- Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life - Seeks to improve care at the end of life through interdisciplinary scholarship, teaching, and outreach.
- American Board of Hospital Physicians - Certifies and recognizes those physicians whose excellence in hospital practice has brought honor to those hospitals in which they have served.
- National Association of Nephrology Technicians and Technologists - Nonprofit professional organization established to improve the quality of care in the dialysis industry and promote education, recognition through certification and licensing, job security, and employment opportunities for nephrology technicians.
- Virginia Association of Central Services - Non-profit organization of Central Services personnel of Virginia. Objectives, contact information, board of directors, history.
- Center For Medical Consumers - The Center is a unique not for profit, independent organization whose only agenda is informing and helping to protect members of the public in their encounters with the medical care system.
- Belgian Hand Group - A scientific organization to study the hand: its function, pathology, and the treatment of injuries and diseases.
- Great Medical News - Non-profit organization which finds and reports medical treatments and cures for major human illnesses. Includes contact and background information, as well as a testimonial.
- American Medical Association - AMA - Journals, research, medical ethics, membership information
- Provident Medical Institute - A nonprofit educational organization founded by Dr. Michael Jacobson providing Biblical health and medicine information to church, family, and healthcare leaders via seminars, newsletters, books and tapes, and web site. Seminar information, contact information, history of the organization.
- Society of Primary Care Policy Fellows - Multi-disciplinary community of scholars who are committed to affecting primary care policy, education, research, and service at the local, state, national, and international levels. Membership information, mission, contact information.
- International Center for the Integration of Health and Spirituality - (ICIHS) Describes their goal of integrating health and spirituality. A multi-disciplinary collaboration with organizations, researchers, educators, clinicians, and patients.
- PDA, Parenteral Drug Association - Association for pharmaceutical science and technology, provides scientific education, professional meetings, publications, membership benefits and features
- American Association for World Health - A private national organization in the US dedicated to funneling health information to Americans at the grassroots level.
- Foundation for Aquatic Injury Prevention - A non-profit educational organization dedicated to reducing the number of diving injuries, drownings and near drownings.
- Danish Institute for Health Technology Assessment (DIHTA) - National organization that evaluates the conditions and consequences of using health technologies.
- Pain and Policy Studies Group Home Page - Website for facilitating public access to information about pain relief and public policy, including material published by the PPSG, its WHO Collaborating Center, and other authoritative sources.
- CHOICE Hotlines - Offers confidential reproductive health, children's health and HIV/AIDS counseling, information and referrals.
- CIDA: Global Health - A global health organization providing information, stories and images from developing countries on women's health, immunization, infectious diseases, nutrition and population.
- American College of Medical Practice Management - Continuing education for healthcare professionals.
- Community Health Charities - National organization representing 61 of America's leading health charities providing patient services, community outreach and education.
- International Medical Volunteers Association - Provides information about international health volunteer work and helps volunteers and organizations find each other.
- Midwest Healthcare Marketing Association - A nonprofit organization providing a forum for education and information about healthcare marketing.
- International Society for Radiation Oncology - Professional organization for radiation oncologists.
- NGO Networks for Health - A global health project created to meet the burgeoning need for family planning, reproductive health, child survival, and HIV/AIDs information and services in developing countries.
- Institute for Healthcare Advancement - A California not-for-profit foundation dedicated to innovating and advancing superior healthcare practices and solutions for populations across the healthcare continuum.
- Help for Health Trust - An independent, not-for-profit charitable organization providing a range of health information services.
- MedOutreach - Student organization that assists in health care promotion in the developing world.
- International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) - An independent, international health professional organization, founded upon the medical response to torture. Promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and works for the prevention of torture worldwide.
- The Military Health System - The Official Web Presence of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the TRICARE Management Activity.
- Dr. I-Net - Dr.I-Net is committed to helping individuals without insurance who cannot afford the high cost of premiums in today's healthcare market. Dr. I-Net provides access to free medical services, charity organizations, government programs, and alternate medicine.
- National College of Complimentary Medicine and Sciences - This is a training organization for complementary medicine in Washington D.C.
- National Kidney Foundation - Provides patient services, education, research to prevent kidney disease and promotes organ donation.
- European Society for Quality in Healthcare - Dedicated to improving quality in healthcare at national and international levels.
- Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems - A professional organization dedicated to the promotion, development and sharing of information between physicians responsible for organizational leadership in information technology.
- World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain - 4th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and pelvic Pain. Moving from Structure to Function. November 8-10 2001 Montreal Canada.
- Shalom Lighthouse - A non-profit organization assisting abused people to get the holistic help and healing needed.
- American Sun Protection Association - A not-for-profit trade organization for the sun protection industry that certifies sun protective products and provides information about sun safety, skin cancer and industry standards.
- Olive Index of Health Resources and the NHS - Directory of health resources, hospitals, trusts, charities and public information.
- American Academy of Wound Management - Certifying board for physicians, nurses, physical therapists and other health professionals in wound care. Includes list of certified specialists, a forum, and certification information and application.
- Royal Society of Medicine - Membership details and forthcoming educational events for health care professionals. Exchange of ideas and information plus an extensive library catalogue. Bookings taken for conference facilities.
- Doctors for Prothrombin Time Self-Testing - A professional, non-profit organization comprised of physicians, nurses and medical professionals who are concerned about the way in which Medicare is denying physician access for the use of medical devices that greatly improve patient health care.
- Families for Natural Living - A 501(c)(3) Non Profit educational organization that provides resources, information and support for families who want to make informed natural living decisions for themselves.
- Society for Medical and Biological Engineering - Professional organization for biomedical engineering; technical meetings and newsletters.
- American College of Surgeons - A scientific and educational association of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to improve the quality of care for the surgical patient by setting high standards for surgical education and practice.
- Medical Group Management Association - The leading organization for professionals in medical practice management.
- American Association of Physician Specialists - Represents thousands of physicians in all specialties. AAPS's professional societies include dermatology, gynecology, and radiology.
- Hippocrytic Oaths - A non-profit organization that advocates for patients' rights, providing information, tools and resources for patients disappointed with the medical establishment.
- International Medical Academy for Thermography. - Professional group promoting the use of Computerized Regulation Thermography.
- Controlled Release Society - An international organization whose mission is to advance the science and technology of chemical and biological delivery systems.
- Action Toward Independence - Serving and empowering people with disabilities.
- Fight It - Nonprofit organization and support group informing readers about health-related issues, focusing on disease prevention.
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